Information for Employers

Hire A Tiger!

We are eager to establish and cultivate relationships with employers who are looking for full-time employees and/or those who offer part-time, summer/seasonal, temporary, and internship opportunities suited for soon-to-be or recent college graduates. Southern Crescent Technical College offers employers cost-effective ways to recruit potential employees. Recruitment options that are available to employers include on-going job listing services, career fairs, informal on-campus recruitment, in-class information sessions, and apprenticeships.



TIGERLINK is a free online recruiting system that helps you connect to Southern Crescent Technical College students, graduating seniors, and alumni. Employers are able to post open full-time jobs, part-time jobs, internships, externships, and summer/seasonal/temporary jobs.

Step-by-step instructions for creating an Employer TIGERLINK account and posting a job.

Students and alumni are able to view all job and internship postings when they sign into TIGERLINK. All students and alumni have access to TIGERLINK. The most current positions continuously rotate on the Career Services page.

Several postings are highlighted each week to be included in our weekly student job blast sent to over 6,000 students and alumni and in our weekly e-newsletter sent to faculty and staff.


Our next Career Fair will be Wednesday, April 19th, 2023 from 11am-2pm in the Griffin Campus Event Center.


An Information Table/Hiring Event is an opportunity for employers to have a one-on-one conversation with job seekers in an informal environment. This offers an excellent way to recruit for positions that do not require a specific skill set. We will provide a table in the main corridor of the Griffin campus. Your visit will be promoted to students beforehand if it is scheduled at least two weeks before the date of the visit.


An in-class information session can be useful for generating interest in your organization as well as the positions you would like to fill. Employers are able to present their organization to the students in their field of interest and network with potential applicants in a casual setting.


Lunch and Learns are great for employers looking to recruit students in a specific industry. These sessions provide you with the opportunity to share an overview about your company along with career pathways that are offered. Employers get a chance to meet and talk with students about career opportunities. The Career Services office will notify students of your event through on-campus ads, social media postings, TIGERLINK, and other information outlets.


An apprenticeship provides a customized training program that meets the specific needs of your business. In developing the program, you work with 十大网赌平台推荐 to determine the skills you want your workers to have and then design the training to meet those needs. The classroom training is then reinforced through on-the-job learning where the apprentices are taught by an experienced mentor from your company. The end result is a highly skilled worker who is trained not only in their craft, but in your company’s culture.

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